Call for Scores 10>10X10
in cooperation with Austrian Composers
Call for Scores
MAX BRAND Ensemble • INÖK • Austrian Composers
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the MAX BRAND Ensemble, in cooperation with INÖK - Interessengemeinschaft Niederösterreichische KomponistInnen and Austrian Composers Association, is issuing a Call for Scores.
This ensemble – founded in 2012 on the initiative of Richard Graf – enables a wide spectrum of musical forms of expression and new listening approaches. Unusual perspectives and approaches that expand the vocabulary of new music through rhythmic languages of the world, parametric and free improvisation, contemporary jazz and electronic media are definitely welcome.
A total of 10 compositions (each 3 to max. 6 minutes) for 10 musicians: inside in the following instrumentation (all instruments must be considered) are sought:
flute (also piccolo or alto flute)
clarinet/saxophone (clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone)
percussion (1 player, drumset, hand percussion)
(Live) electronics and/or feed (max. 2 speakers, audio files or MaxMSP patch must be provided).
Artistic direction: Richard Graf
Live electronics: Johannes Kretz
Deadline: September 20, 2022
A material rental fee of € 200,- will be paid for each piece selected for performance.
Scores as PDF to
or in paper form to:
Ölzeltgasse 4/5
1030 Vienna