27 October 2023, 6pm, Gasometer Spielraum
Friday, 27 October 2023, 6pm
Spielraum Gasometer B, Guglgasse 9, 1110 Wien
6pm Welcome
6.30pm Introduction
7pm Concert MAX BRAND Ensemble
afterwards: panel discussion
SOS – Sound of Silence
The MAX BRAND Ensemble under the direction of Richard Graf attempts to transform the subtle beauty of moments of silence into sound.
Several world premieres and improvisations will explore the tension between sound and silence, or the meaning and expressive power of silence.
MAX BRAND Ensemble
Annegret Bauerle, flute
Gregor Narnhofer, clarinet
Joanna Lewis, violin
Martina Bischof, viola
Arne Kircher, violoncello
Hannes Enzlberger, doublebass
Richard Graf, guitar
Mia Zabelka, solo-violin
Richard Graf, artistic direction
Compositions by Klaus AGER, Leo BRAUNEISS, Richard GRAF, Sonja HUBER, Johann Georg KITZBICHLER, David KOSVINER & Mia ZABELKA