20 March 2024, 7pm, kleiner Ehrbarsaal
Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 7pm
kleiner Ehrbarsaal, Mühlgasse 30, 1040 Wien
Elisabeth Gansch, violin
Marlene Muthspiel, violoncello
Nora Muthspiel, piano
Prizewinners' concert of the composition competition
INÖK / Allegro Vivo / Musikfabrik Niederösterreich / Cultural Department of the Province of Lower Austria
with works by Berthold CVACH, Philipp Manuel Gutmann, Sonja HUBER, Otto WANKE and Verena ZEINER
Admission € 20,-, seat reservation under:
An event organized by INÖK - Interessengemeinschaft Niederösterreichische KomponistInnen in cooperation with Allegro Vivo (www.inoek.at)